Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Featured Team Member: Chrystle Majure

1. How long have you been a part of the AMC team?
 I joined the AMC and Bed and Biscuit team 2 years ago.

2. What drew you to this profession?
 Our family boarded our dogs here and my mom always said such wonderful things about it, so I decided to apply for a job here. 
3. What is your favorite part of your job?
Everything!! I really love making our clients feel comfortable with leaving their pets with us while they are away. I also love making the pets feel as comfortable as possible while their parents are away. 

4.What hobbies or interests do you enjoy outside of work?
 I enjoy my classes at Charleston Southern University and love to learn new things. I also enjoy spending time with my friend and family and gaming with my fiancee. 

5. What pets do you currently have at home?
 I have a 5 month old yorkshire terrier named Achilles and a 6 year old siamese cat named Mia.

6.What would a perfect day at AMC be like for you?
 Everyday is a perfect day! There is always something new to learn or a new furry friend to meet! 

7. What is a perfect day for you outside of work?
 I enjoy being able to relax with my loved ones. It doesn't matter what we do as long as we are together.

8. If money were not a factor, where would you choose to spend the rest of your life?
I would love to travel and see new places, but I would never want to live anywhere else. I love living here with my family and friends. 

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